Little Common Methodist Church
Church Hill Avenue, Little Common, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex.  TN39 4SG

Welcome to the Little Common Methodist Church Website 

Our Church Mission Statement:

Church in the Community - Community in the Church

Two of our website pages are currently out of action, they are "Calendar / Meetings" and "Events".  They will be back as soon as possible, apologies.  All the other pages are active.  Details of our services can now be found on the "Prayer and Worship" page.

Refreshments are served in the foyer (vestibule) after services.  Please stay if you can.

Covid restrictions have finished, however the collection is still not taken during the service, instead there is a plate for the offerings near the back of the church. 

For Holy Communion we now go to the communion rail at the front.  Please feel free to kneel or stand as you wish.  If you are unable to go to the front, the bread and wine can be brought to you.  The Communion Stewards will be there to help if needed.

Our weekly coffee morning is on Fridays from 10.00 until 11.30am.  Everyone is welcome, just arrive and leave when you wish.  The coffee morning on May 17th will be in aid of Christian Aid.

Our Church belongs to the "3 Churches in Little Common".  The other two Churches are St Mark's Anglican and St Martha's Catholic.  We have regular meetings on the third Wednesday morning in the month at 11.00am.  There is a devotional time for about 1/2 hour followed by refreshments.  Everyone is welcome.

A Brownie group meets at our Church, as do various community groups.  Please see the "Booking Little Common" Page for further details.

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